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DOWNLOAD 32-BitThe official version of Format Factory 32-bit has been removed from its server. This file is hosted on an external source/server. Therefore, we can not guarantee the safety, or authenticity of this file. Please download it at your own risk.
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Format Factory is a powerful media converter app that allows you to convert any type of media files for different other platforms and devices such as Mobile, Tablet, Console, PC, etc... Read More
Format Factory 32-bit Features:
- Format Factory can convert video clips, join, split, crop, and de-logo video files.
- It can be used as an Audio converter, audio clipper, joiner, mixer, etc.
- It is also capable of downloading video files from several video-sharing sites.
- It is capable of converting images and it supports WebP, Heic.
- Rip DVD to video file, and Rip Music CD to audio file are other notable features it has.
- The new Format Factory can join PDF, and can convert PDF to TXT, DOC, Excel, and image files.
- You can use it to record for screen recording.